Service Delivery

  -  In-house face to Face Training
  -  In-house Online Training (using Zoom)
  -  Open Courses (using Zoom)
  -  Consultancy

1.  In-house face to Face Training

We believe face to face training to be the gold standard in delivery, due to the benefits it offers participants over other forms of training re: learning and personal development.  The skill of the trainer, especially in mixed ability groups is not just in delivering the material, but also in rapport building, interpersonal skills and intuition, allowing attendees to learn and grow together by creating a relaxed yet focused session.  

We do this by involving everyone, but in particular by:
a) drawing out the quiet ones
b) encouraging those who don't like speaking in public
c) enthusing those who don't want to be on the training
d) tempering those who are over exuberant or dominant
e) dealing quickly with any politics or undercurrent

Method of training
We prefer a 'stand and deliver' method of training backed up with high quality training packs and participant interactionCourses can be tailored to include 'in-house' messages and  culture, linking to your organisation's policies and procedures.   It is our policy not to issue training packs for non-attendees or issue certificates to participants who arrive significantly late and / or leave early.

Venue & Refreshments
We are happy to deliver training at your premises or hired venue.  We find Boardroom or Cabaret style seating at tables works best, but we can adapt to suit any venue.  The client is responsible for providing refreshments at the training and ensuring premises and equipment they provide, complies with all relevant health and safety requirements.

Travel & Accommodation
We charge travel costs over 80 miles (preferring to use public transport).  Where necessary, we travel the day before the training staying in 'reasonable quality' accommodation (subject to availability and local conditions) to ensure arrival at the venue in time to deliver the training.

2.  In-house Online Training (using Zoom) 
Most of our courses can be delivered Online ‘Live’ (but not all).  Although there are numerous benefits to clients in delivering training this way, there are potential draw backs which can hinder matters, therefore, we set certain protocols and etiquette for both parties to follow.   

Our Online training delivery will be adjusted to reflect distance working and our Day courses can be run as two half days to make it more manageable if you prefer.  Courses can be tailored to include your 'in-house' messages and culture, linking to your policies and procedures, subject to discussion.   

Client Protocol

  • To supply a participant list to trainer in advance of the training
  • Changes to participant list will only be accepted up to 60 minutes prior to the training, if the new participant has access to a course training pack (they will not be accepted otherwise)
  • Participants must sign in with their own name for identification purposes and be ready on time
  • Participants should contact you (not the trainer) if they experience a problem accessing the course
  • If internet connection is lost, participants should wait a few minutes before trying to reconnect
On-line Etiquette:                                                                                                                    
To ensure a smooth running of the training delivery for all concerned:
   1.   Refrain from external interruptions during training, where possible 
   2.   Turn mobile phones to silent /refrain from using them until break times (except in emergencies)
   3.   Keep to times set by trainer (break times)
   4.   A professional level of courtesy and interaction is expected
   5.   Respect confidentiality and what is known as Chatham House Rule

Our Protocol

  • GDPR compliance re: participant contact details etc, will be assumed by us for any details provided to us by the client 
  • Hard copy training packs will be sent out as per the client's request (to client or participants direct)
  • Zoom invitation and passcode will be sent by email to client to forward to participants
  • The trainer will go through Online etiquette at the beginning of each course
  • Training sessions will not normally be recorded (participants will be notified if different)
  • Certificates will be sent to the client after the training
  • The trainer will notify the client of any non-attendance or issues arising from the training
  • If internet connection is lost and not easily regained, then we will abandon and reschedule the training
It is our policy not to:
  • Send out electronic copies of our training material
  • Tolerate rudeness, bad behaviour or ‘attitude’ (we reserve the right to exclude participants)
  • Issue certificates to those who attend significantly late, leave early or breach our online etiquette

3.  Consultancy

Service delivery is based on a case by case basis at the time of booking (subject to alteration should the requirements of the role evolve, change or be originally under estimated. 

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