Our courses are designed to develop knowledge and confidence whilst identifying and reinforcing good practice.  Our training is relaxed yet focused and backed up with high-quality training materials and course evaluation   

Our Trainers:

Matthew Plumridge has worked in the not-for-profit and charitable sector for over 25 years  working with small, medium and large UK and international charities.  He is Level 3 trained in safeguarding (Child Protection and Adults at Risk) and has acted as Safeguarding Lead for an HIV Charity and a medium sized Youth Organisation covering Surrey and South London.   He is a former Trustee of Volunteering England, Disability Initiative, Toc H and Positive Action (an HIV Charity).  

Susie Nicholson RGN, Cert Ed, has worked in the Clinical and Not for Profit sector, (initially as a nurse) fulfilling various managerial roles. She is currently a trainer to Charitable Organisations, Nursing & Care Agencies and Healthcare Companies in First Aid, Moving & Handling (Back Care), Infection Control, Risk Assessments and various other health related topics. 

We offer:
  • In-house 'face to face' training
  • In-house online training ('Live' using Zoom)

Current Prospectus

Safe 2a

Child Protection - Level 2

This half-day course aims to raise awareness of child protection and the issues surrounding abuse and its effects on children.  It is designed for those who need to have a greater understanding of this difficult subject and for staff / trustees / volunteers working in charitable organisations or a care environment.
Safe 2b

Child Protection - Level 3

This one-day course aims to raise awareness of child protection and the issues surrounding abuse, along with its effects on children.  It is more scenario based, helping participants gain a greater practical  understanding and application of this subject, to their work situation.  It is designed for staff / trustees and volunteers working in charitable organisations or a care environment.
VOL 8a

Adults at Risk - Level 2

This half-day course aims to raise the awareness of abuse and its effects on adults at risk (safeguarding).  It is designed for those who need to have a greater understanding of this difficult subject and for staff / volunteers working in charitable organisations or a care environment.
Safe 3b

Adults at Risk - Level 3

This one-day course aims to raise the awareness of abuse and its effects on adults at risk (safeguarding).  It is designed for those who need to have a greater understanding of this difficult subject and for staff / volunteers working in charitable organisations or a care environment.
IMG_20191121_122911_resized_20191124_105749015 (3) (cropped)

Safeguarding for Senior Managers

This one-day course aims to raise awareness of safeguarding issues in a charitable environment, and an organisation’s responsibilities and duty of care to staff, volunteers and public, in response to an incident.  It is aimed specifically at Trustees, Senior Managers, Safeguarding Leads and 'Champions' within an organisation. 
Safe 4a

Lone Working (Personal Safety)

This half-day course supports participants in developing, maintaining or reviewing lone working (personal safety) procedures and practices in their work environment.  This is achieved by highlighting personal and Organisational responsibilities, as detailed under relevant legislation, and by raising their awareness of the issues surrounding lone working including potential risks associated with their individual job role. 
Safe 5a

Food Hygiene

This half-day course explores practical ways of maintaining good food hygiene and safety for those working in a food environment, or for charities and voluntary organisations who provide food to the public, their clients, staff and volunteers.
Safe 6a

Fire Safety

This half-day course looking at fire safety explores what to do in the event of a fire.  The course is designed to give more of a general overview linking into your fire safety policy / procedures and is aimed at all staff, particularly new employees / volunteers in the workplace.  This is not fire extinguisher training.
Very clear and supportive in his delivery whilst giving lots of examples to participants to aid their learning

- Manager

Trainer very engaging with group, clear communication & delivered a good presentation

- Course Participant

I think due to the nature of the course the content, style and tone was about right.  Was sensitive and factual so helped prevent it becoming too emotional

           - Course Participant

The trainer was very personable and thorough.  Open and willing to listen and answer any questions

- Course participant

Great Training.  Met all my expectations and much more

- Course participant

Our trainers come from a variety of backgrounds, therefore we can facilitate courses beyond our current prospectus.

For all enquiries, do please call us on:  01483 564099 or 07866 284781

We take our responsibility to the environment very seriously

Click here to find out how we reduce our impact on the environment

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